Israel Archives - Foreign Policy General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states Thu, 28 Feb 2019 16:41:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Israel Archives - Foreign Policy 32 32 What is Tzitzit and What Does it Represent? Thu, 28 Feb 2019 11:41:11 +0000 Tzitzit means “fringes” in Hebrew and it refers to the strings attached to the four corners of the tallit. A tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl and it looks like a poncho which is worn under the shirt throughout the day. Jewish people were commanded by God to wear the Tzitzit so that they can remember him and his commandments.  Rabbis constantly talk about how important the Tzitzit is; however, new information has emerged on the importance of it recently. Tzitzit fulfills a couple of commandments in the Torah and most notable are those in Number 37, a portion called

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The Main Threat For The US In The Middle East Is Not Iran; It’s Russia! Wed, 23 May 2018 09:27:44 +0000 The news that the US left the Iran deal was felt around the world like an earthquake. It brought out many questions, with one of them being will the Israel and Iran start an all-out war? The move is considered a catastrophe from the stance of foreign policy, and now the US must deal with the threat that Russia could further expand its influence in the Middle East. Donald Trump’s decision to leave the agreement is similar to what Britain did with EU exit. It is a decision that affects the entire world. Like we said, Iran and Israel are

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Chaos in Israel Continues while the US celebrates Thu, 17 May 2018 12:44:06 +0000 The United States have made a big move this May by relocating the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trumps administration is celebrating this move as there has been an official opening of the embassy this Monday. Still, even with that being said, the peace hasn’t been reached. Well, it looks like the peace is far, far away. According to the first estimations, around 35,000 Palestinians lined the fence that separates the Gaza Strip and Israel. They were protesting, and at least 58 people have been killed by Israeli Defense Forces. That number is just way too

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Trump’s Decisions Are Leading Middle East to War Fri, 11 May 2018 10:41:47 +0000 After a meeting with Donald Trump, French president Emmanuel Macron made two statements. He said that Trump is going to pull the US from Iran deal and that as a consequence of that we are going to have another war in the Middle East. He got one thing right, and he’s not far away on the other. Only hours after the US stepped out of Iran deal, the tensions escalated between Iran and Israel. The same day Trump made the announcement, Israeli troops were put on ‘high alert.’ The reservists are being called up, and bomb shelters are being prepared

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M1 Abrams vs. Merkava IV – A Comparison Tue, 08 May 2018 10:42:59 +0000 Ever since the first British tanks rolled on the field of Flanders in 1916, nations across the globe have competed who will create a better-armored vehicle. Today, we take a look at two of the best main battle tanks found on the modern battlefield, American M1 Abrams, and Israeli Merkava IV. Merkava tank was born after the Yom Kippur War, which saw massive tank losses on both sides. Israel lost more than 1,000 tanks and some 500 other armored vehicles, while the Arab nations fared even worse, with some 2,500 tanks destroyed. Israel high command has felt that such losses

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US and Israeli Officials Increase Threats Against Iran Mon, 30 Apr 2018 13:01:22 +0000 As May 12th deadline imposed by the United States President Donald Trumps nears, the warnings towards Iran, made by the White House and Israel, are getting increasingly more threating. President Trump has given his European partners until May 12th to find a solution for the Iranian Deal that he called “insane” earlier this week, or he would pull out the United States from it. Since he has provided no plan on his intentions after the deal gets scrapped, there are growing concerns about the future American policies towards Tehran. If Trump starts insisting on a regime change, the situation can

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Israel and Iran May Confront in Syria, Warns Mattis Mon, 30 Apr 2018 08:38:56 +0000 US Defense Secretary James Mattis has said that there is a possibility of military confrontation between Iranian and Israeli military forces on Syrian soil. The Israeli officials have arrived in Washington to discuss the matter, and Mattis was quick to warn the Congress of another military conflict in the Middle East. When he was asked whether the two sides could engage in a fight, he responded: “I can see how it might start, but I am not sure when or where. I think that it’s very likely in Syria because Iran continues to do its proxy work there through Hezbollah.”

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Trump’s Policy Wreaks Havoc in the Middle East? Wed, 18 Apr 2018 10:57:26 +0000 Many people are concerned that President Donald Trump is assembling a “war cabinet” with the addition of the new hawkish politicians to the team. With the airstrikes on Syria, Trump showed the poor Foreign Policy strategy. This kind of strategy can be defined as passive-aggressive. The United States is not doing anything concrete to solve the problems in Syria, yet the actions are aggressive enough to wreak havoc in the region. The things which Trump and his administration are doing are not logical at all. Their goal is to rip up the Iran nuclear deal, defeat the Islamic State in

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Palestine Popular Resistance Scares Israel Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:52:10 +0000 Although unarmed Gaza protesters posed no threat to the Israeli soldiers, reports say that 15 has been killed and more than 2,000 wounded. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers were deployed to the buffer zone between the besieged Gaza and the border of Israel. The reasons for their deployment are massive protests and rallies organized by the Palestinian families. On March 31, the Israeli army tweeted: “Yesterday we saw 30,000 people. We arrived prepared and with precise reinforcements. Nothing was carried out uncontrolled; everything was accurate and measured, and we know where every bullet landed.” The tweet was soon deleted and posting

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