
The Complete Blockchain Consulting and Development Company Guide: What to Look for?


Blockchain technology is bringing in new innovations and opportunities for entrepreneurs to grow and expand their businesses. From decentralization to security, smart contracts, immutability, and more, blockchain technology has helped in creating new business models and disrupting industries. Blockchain is a powerful technology that has the potential to change how we live, work, and play.

It has the power to transform industries from finance to retail, healthcare to music distribution. However, with most emerging technologies, there are always limitations on the expertise and talent pool. As a business owner, whether small or large, if you are looking to invest in blockchain, it is important to find robust blockchain development and consulting expertise. Blockchain consultants can help increase revenue and create better systems for your organization.


However, choosing the right blockchain consulting and development company can be a difficult task. There are many blockchain consultants out there who all claim to be the best, but how do you know?

In this post, we will go over the key factors you should consider when looking for blockchain consulting (visit here) and development companies so that you can make an informed decision.

Think Long Term


One of the key factors to look for blockchain consultants is their expertise and background in blockchain technology. Look at how long they have been around, who runs the company, what certifications do they hold? You want a blockchain consulting firm that has years of experience, so you can be confident your project will succeed with them by your side.

The right blockchain development team should also be forward-thinking and keep up to date on trends within blockchain services and industry best practices. Focusing solely on building out an MVP or beta version just won’t cut it if you’re looking for longevity in this emerging space.

Make sure any person or group you hire understands not only where we are today but, more importantly, where we’ll be tomorrow as new blockchains may come onto the scene and old blockchain products may disappear.

Plan Ahead


When looking for blockchain consultants, you want to make sure the company has a roadmap in place to detail how long it will take them to build your blockchain-based solution based on their expertise and skills within the industry.

This information is important because if you know what stage of development you are at with blockchain technology today, then this means there’s not only room but also demand for blockchain technologies moving forward. Moreover, blockchain developers should have a vision for blockchain technology beyond blockchain-based solutions.

After all, if they are planning on building your blockchain solution but aren’t interested in exploring different use cases of blockchain technologies outside of blockchain development services, how can you be sure that once the project is finished that they will continue to work with you? You want someone who wants to build both technical expertise and business relationships. If there’s no incentive for them after the initial product/service has been delivered, then it might not make sense to keep working together.

You also want to find out what type of roadmap or strategy do these consultants plan as this process gives insight into their level of detail and thoughtfulness. It shows whether or not they take time before diving straight into blockchain technology and blockchain applications development.

It’s important to note that blockchain consulting companies with a roadmap in place can successfully build your blockchain product faster than those without one, as they have an idea of what needs to be done from the beginning moving forward.

Due Diligence


If blockchain consultants claim they can build your blockchain solution in a short period of time, then this should raise some flags. Blockchain technology is still relatively new, and there are many unknowns when it comes to developing blockchain applications so it’s important that these blockchain consulting companies have an established process in place for working with clients on building blockchain solutions.

Blockchain consultants must be able to answer the following questions:

  • What will their role entail?
  • How long will it take them to get started once you sign a contract with them?
  • Will they provide regular updates throughout the development process or just at set milestones?
  • Can they define blockchain technologies beyond “just bitcoin” and cryptocurrency trading applications into other areas such as supply chain management or identity verification using blockchains?
  • Do they have blockchain-based use cases of blockchain technology that they can share with you?
  • How will they ensure quality throughout this blockchain consulting process?

Make sure to ask questions and go over their answers so you know exactly what type of blockchain development team will be helping build your blockchain solution. After all, it’s important that these blockchain consultants are transparent throughout this process, as this partnership is a two-way street. You need someone who can not only help develop your blockchain product but also answer any questions along the way. This means avoiding those “one size fits all” responses!

Final Thoughts


Blockchain is still a nascent industry where new projects are springing up on a daily basis. You want blockchain consultants who understand this space so you do not waste resources building something no one wants or needs. A company should know which resources will be used by businesses going forward and recommend them based on their expertise within blockchain services. This way, you’re getting value for every dollar spent instead of investing thousands into solutions that won’t work out because there isn’t enough demand for blockchain technology.

Blockchain consultants should also provide resources, so you know where to go if something goes wrong during development or implementation. What if blockchain technology is no longer the best solution for your company? Then you’ll want blockchain consulting companies that can help with blockchain implementation and integration as well, not just blockchain development services.

Make sure whoever you decide to hire understands that these emerging technologies aren’t just about building one feature or two; instead, it’s about creating something that actually adds value to your business while staying true to blockchain technology and blockchain integration.