Economy Archives - Foreign Policy General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states Fri, 03 Jun 2022 13:36:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Economy Archives - Foreign Policy 32 32 7 Tips for Saving Money at Ikea Fri, 03 Jun 2022 13:36:41 +0000 Nowadays, Ikea is one of the most demanding places for all. There are two ways for you to shop at Ikea, using the online and in-store methods. Ikea provides a wide range of offers and discounts on the products. If you are not satisfied enough with the product you can refer to the return policy and do easy Ikea returns in-store or online. They provide such deals for a trustworthy shopping experience. The below-mentioned article will help you to save money while purchasing with Ikea. Which Products Does Ikea Offer? Ikea provides a holiday collection of all seasonal home furnishing

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Tips for Getting a Home Loan in 2021 Thu, 01 Apr 2021 07:54:14 +0000 Getting a home loan in 2021 might be a challenge given the many mortgage options and the low affordability of homes. While finding the right home can be exciting; getting the loan to finance your dream home is equally important. If you’re considering taking the plunge and finally buying a home, make sure you’re doing it smartly and not getting yourself into a loan you’ll regret. Here are ten tips to help you acquire a home loan amid the 2021 real estate trends. 1. Save Early for Your Down Payment If you want to buy a home, you need to

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Top 5 ICOs to Invest in 2021 Fri, 19 Mar 2021 09:07:15 +0000 ICO is the new buzz word for investors now! ICOs are Initial Coin Offerings and soon they will rise in value when they jump into the trade on currency exchanges! Of course, not all the ICOs in the world are successful. The majority of them are experimental, and the risk pays off in some cases. For instance, EOS had started its trading at $0.9 and look at its marvelous numbers now! One must be cautious while picking up the ICOs to invest in! In this article, we’ll round up 5 best ICOs which we think may perform well in 2021.

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Finding The Best Social Proof Software 2021 To Boost Conversion Rates Fri, 12 Mar 2021 09:49:13 +0000 As a business owner, your prime concern is to make the most of your resources. One of the major expenses is marketing, a way that helps you connect with your target audience and sell products. However, spending money and not getting the expected outcome is disheartening. In this article, we will talk about how to improve conversion rates by using different methods like the best social proof software and third-party influence. What is a Conversion Rate? In simple words, a conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that took the desired action on your website. The higher the conversion rate,

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Online tools to quickly and easily convert currencies Sun, 27 Oct 2019 11:35:07 +0000 Converting one’s country currency to another currency is a headache, but online tools have made things easier for people who are interested in knowing such things. is among those exceptional online platforms with the help of which you can convert currencies quick and easily. Additionally, you don’t need to pay to know the exchange rate because it’s free. There are over fifty currencies available on the website so that you can see the exchange rate of any of those. Another great thing that might force you in using such tools is their exchange rate chart. This provides the history

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The Relationship Between the US Stock Market and the Economy Fri, 30 Aug 2019 11:35:06 +0000 The US stock market is enormous. At over $30 trillion, it is a massive one. Many global companies are active on it and they affect the economy as a whole. Pundits have always based their economic forecasts on the performance of the stock market.  The general mood of investors in the market can indicate how the economy will perform in the coming months. The stock market and the economy are thus tied in a special relationship where occurrences on one end affect the end. The following is a breakdown of the key ways in which it affects the economy. The

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In Australia, Consumers are Standing up to Big Banks Thu, 29 Aug 2019 09:23:58 +0000 After years of stability, some turbulence prompted Australians to switch credit card providers en-masse. Here is why: The saying “needs must when the devil drives” has been thoroughly tested in other banking sectors around the world, but in Australia, where the recession has been absent for more than a decade, people were always very loyal to their banks and hardly ever switched. This all changed during the recent property crash when big banks started to recall loans from clients they knew for years – and when the RBA lowered interest rates, but many card providers did not reflect this amply

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Trade Policy: Geopolitics Back Firmly in Economic Focus Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:37:17 +0000 Financial markets ended higher at the end of last month as a series of strong economic data reports and softened trade rhetoric helped the Dow Jones Industrial Average break its previous losing streak.  Continued rifts in global trade policy have weighed on sentiment, which was negative heading into the July open as investors looked for further clarity on the possibility of new trade war activities initiated by the United States. According to, comments from the People’s Bank of China indicate possible changes in monetary policy measures and this can often add heavy selling pressure to Asian markets.  As a

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What Is a Pension Plan and Should I Have One? Mon, 08 Jul 2019 07:32:47 +0000 A pension plan or retirement plan is a savings plan through which you will save money for retirement. The retirement years are golden years where your earnings will be almost zero. You can consider them as insurance as well as investments. The insured will contribute a regular premium to the insurance company. The premium will be used to build the corpus. After the maturity date, the corpus will be paid to the insurance company and the insurance company will pay the amount on a monthly basis. If the insured person dies, the beneficiary will get the sum assured and bonuses. 

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What Are The Best Investment Opportunities in China? Wed, 03 Jul 2019 10:30:14 +0000 China’s shift from a low-income agrarian economy to a market-based system in 1978 reshaped the country as a whole. The once low-income economy was a threat to China so changes had to be made to be competitive both in the domestic and foreign markets. That was made possible after a series of measures that transformed the country roughly five years ago. The statistics behind China’s economic rise speak for themselves. According to statistics from the World Bank, nearly 800 million Chinese citizens have escaped poverty in the last four decades, and China is the world’s largest exporter of manufactured goods.

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