Donald Trump Archives - Foreign Policy General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:03:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Donald Trump Archives - Foreign Policy 32 32 10 Reasons why Donald Trump Should Lose the Elections in November Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:03:07 +0000 Elections are approaching in the United States, and incumbent President Donald Trump will have to roll up his sleeves if he wants to win because his country is in chaos. Although it seemed that his re-election was practically inevitable, the events that marked the past and the beginning of this year show that his chair in the White House shook dangerously. What are the problems that Trump has faced? 1. Covid-19 In the first place – the coronavirus. Since the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, America has recorded a record of 1,816,897 cases of infection, 105,557 deaths, and 535,238 recovers, according to

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Is Trump Really Able to Destroy Twitter and Facebook? Thu, 28 May 2020 18:06:44 +0000 Everyone around the world is talking about the conflict between the USA and the biggest tech companies of today Donald Trump very openly suggests that he has the power to shut down tech giants like Twitter and Facebook. The cause of Trumps reaction was a provocation by Jack Dorsey. Ironically, Twitter in a way owns its popularity to Trump, who uses it as tool for making public announcements. Further, he uses Twitter to address both the public and his opponents. This company has not sanctioned anything the president of America wrote yet. Even his controversial tweets about women or China

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Trump: Obama was grossly incompetent Mon, 18 May 2020 20:50:48 +0000 Trump later thanked Obama and Biden on Twitter, where he wrote that their actions just helped his campaign.   Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, stated that his predecessor Barack Obama was very incompetent. He said that as a response to Obama’s indirect criticism, that he does not know how to manage the country during a crisis.   On Saturday, Obama said that this pandemic, more than anything else, showed how many in public office don’t know what they are doing. And he added that some of them even don’t pretend to know.   After Obama’s

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Beauty More Important Than Health to Trump Thu, 07 May 2020 19:00:23 +0000 President Trump is worried that wearing a mask in public could jeopardize his chances of reelection. He was never seen with one. On Tuesday, he visited the Honeywell factory in Arizona, which manufactures N95 masks, but didn’t wear one, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. According to some sources, he repeatedly “suggested they were impractical, pointless and beneath the dignity of the leader of the free world.” He is worried that a picture of himself wearing a mask could be used in attack ads against him. This behavior drew a lot of criticism. “At the very least,

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Is Trump Trying to Sell the Moon? Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:05:16 +0000 The US executive order to mine the Moon proves that the collective good seems to be less important than neoliberal ideas of “value”. According to David Bollier “the real estate developer who improbably became US President legally declared that he sees the Moon in far less elevated terms”, reports Al Jazeera. President Trump signed the executive order which makes the private commercial uses of the Moon, Mars and meteors authorized. This means that Off-Earth bodies are now starting to be observed as a means to gain profit. The so-called space business was the topic of the US Commerce Secretary Wilbur

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Donald Trump Wishes His Wife Melania a Happy Birthday Mon, 27 Apr 2020 19:30:43 +0000 The President of the United States, Donald Trump, on his Twitter account, posted a happy birthday wish to his wife, and the First Lady, Melania. Since the US is in lockdown, the celebration is going to celebrate quietly. This was an official statement of Stephanie Grisham. At the same time, best wishes to the first lady were sent by her daughter-in-law and the President’s daughter, Ivanka. On her post, we could see an image of Melania and her husband, Donald Trump. Another cousin, Lara Trump, who is a wife on Trump’s son Eric, gave her best wishes to the birthday

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Trump Wants to Leave the White House! Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:15:52 +0000 The world crisis everyone is facing at the moment, affects even the biggest leaders. There are many preventive measures the citizens are advised to follow. Things like good hygiene, disinfection, and self-isolation are effective and crucial. With obeying these measures, everyone is in fact, saving lives. Nevertheless, the experts constantly point out that staying at home is one of the most important preventive measures. These measures apply to all, including the president of the USA. According to some sources, president Trump finds it really hard to stay at the White House during these difficult times. On March 28th, the president

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How Will Coronavirus Pandemic Affect Donald Trump and the Upcoming Elections? Mon, 20 Apr 2020 21:35:27 +0000 Even though the global pandemic of coronavirus is in full swing in the United States, it can’t be said that people forgot the upcoming elections. It looks like that both parties are perfectly aware of what awaits them in days after the pandemic is not as dangerous. There are a couple of facts that could provide us with an idea of what we can expect from the upcoming elections. Now, we are going to present them to you. Let’s see what we know so far. Who is Going to Rival Biden? One of the commonest things related to the elections

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Trump has been Warned about the Threats of Coronavirus 10 times, but he Decided to Ignore it! Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:15:04 +0000 The president of the U.S. has been criticized a lot in the last couple of days. According to the public, he did not react appropriately in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Apparently, both Donald Trump and his administration have been warned about the severity and consequences of the Coronavirus. However, they ignored it. Take a look at the chronology below to see which 10 times president Trump ignored the signs of the pandemic. According to the New York Times, Trump has been informed about the threat of the novel Coronavirus on January 18th, via a telephone call by Health

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Obama Would Handle Coronavirus Pandemic Better Than Trump Tue, 14 Apr 2020 09:56:37 +0000 A new poll discovered that a majority of voters would prefer President Barack Obama to run the nation during the coronavirus pandemic than current President Trump. However, Americans remain deeply divided over their chosen leadership amidst the outbreak that has spread to more than 400,000 across the country. According to Politico, 52% of Americans think that Obama would do a better job in the current crisis. Only 38% think that Trump would handle it better in a sample of 1,990 voters. When presented with a choice between Trump and Bide, 44% picked the current president, a sign that doesn’t bode

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