
The Best Autumn Wedding Ideas – 2021

Summer, a traditional wedding season, has lost its primacy to autumn in the last few years. In 2017, the day with the most weddings in the United States was October 7th. The next four most popular dates were also in autumn, from September to November. Some say that this is a consequence of global climate change. Others claim that people simply don’t want to spend one of the most important days in their lives sweating. Whatever the case may be, autumn weddings are very popular, and it is easy to see why. There is something magical about the changing of the seasons, as we slowly leave summer and move to cold winter months. Autumn often feels like the last chance we have to get some sun and feel the warmth during the day. Pretty soon, all will be covered by snow and we won’t see colors again till spring. Autumn is especially generous on this front. The rich colors it provides are a magnificent backdrop for any occasion and especially for weddings.


Compared to summer, autumn offers many opportunities that don’t exist during the warmer months. While selecting a wedding dress, even at Best For Brides, is still a challenge, your guest will have a much wider choice of wardrobe. The menu can be designed around fresh farm products that are abundant in autumn, including a wide selection of fruits for the desert. Decorations are also easier, as you will be presented with a rich autumn color palette to choose from. If you opt for an outside ceremony, nature will provide for the majority of decorations for you. Things can get complicated if your guests have to walk from the church or place of ceremony to the venue. Make sure you have this part planned in case of a downpour, as most people will forget to take umbrellas with them. You can either provide them or make sure that the path has a cover. Nothing ruins the atmosphere as a bunch of wet guests trying to get themselves warm and dry. Fortunately, you have a wide variety of seasonal warm drinks to help them do that, in case the worst should happen.

The choice of venues for an autumn wedding is almost limitless. Whether you go for a rustic barn or an outside ceremony surrounded by the colorful trees and fallen leaves, you can’t do wrong. Of course, a stylish hotel wedding is also an option, especially if it has a huge terrace or access to a garden. Unfortunately, there are some challenges also. There is always a risk of your outside venue turning into a mud bath for you and your guest, in case of rain. That is why it is prudent to have an alternative ready, just in case.

Autumn wedding invitations


Autumn provides for some amazing decorating ideas and your invitations should reflect the spirit of the season.  Floral motifs, leaves, fruits, and berries should feature heavily on them, all in the rich colors of the autumn. Watercolor style is especially popular in the last few years, so you may want to consider it.

Make a seasonal menu


One of the greatest things about an autumn wedding is the wealth of fresh food you can use to make some delicious meals. Warm dishes will go down exceptionally in chilly October evenings. Opt for traditional autumn recipes, like pork and sausage, potato mash, and pumpkin pie. It is a great opportunity to break some wedding food clichés and surprise your guests.

Autumn Treats


Autumn offers so many traditional treats that you may have trouble picking the best one. One of our favorites is mulled wine with orange slices, cinnamon, and maple syrup. It will keep your guests warm and create a cozy atmosphere. Plus, the smell will make everyone happy.

Plan for bad weather


One of the downsides of an autumn wedding is an increased chance of rain or a cold spell. In that case, you have to be prepared and have alternatives planned, especially if you are planning an outside ceremony. Some would say that it is bad luck to plan for the rain on your wedding, but it is simply a prudent precaution. The weather can be unpredictable and despite the promises made by the weathermen, it can turn nasty in a second, especially in October. Unlike war summer showers that come and go, autumn rain can easily stay for the entire afternoon. If you don’t have an alternative venue, you may end up with a lot of wet guests and a ruined wedding.

Offer Traditional Drinks


Mulled wine is just one of the options we get to enjoy during the autumn. A nice cup of creamed coffee with cinnamon will do wonders do keep your guest warm and create a cozy atmosphere.

Indoor Venues


If the weather doesn’t cooperate or you simply prefer an indoor venue, decorate it in autumn colors. Try to create an atmosphere of an autumn afternoon in the forest, even though you are in a hotel or a restaurant. Fortunately, you can find almost all the decorations you need outside, as autumn provides for plenty of material you can use, like leaves and flowers. Let your imagination run wild. A couple of small trees decorated with LED lights will look like something from a fairytale and will complement the seasonal atmosphere perfectly.

Autumn Bouquet


Your wedding bouquet should reflect the autumn colors, to keep it in line with the season spirit. Rich colors, like burnt orange and deep, rustic red and prevalent and provide for a beautiful natural combination, especially against a backdrop of a white wedding dress.

Clothing Options


One thing is certain for any autumn wedding, nights in October will be chilly. Make sure to have a change of clothes that are suitable for a cold evening. Pay special attention to shoes, as you will probably want to change them as well during the day. Having something robust available, even if you don’t use them, is always a safe precaution for an autumn wedding.