COVID‑19 Email Marketing Trends — How Coronavirus Has Influenced Emails

Key email marketing trends

This year, professionals operating in various fields faced the problem of global quarantine. Small businesses were particularly affected. Consumer behavior has changed, which made suppliers feeling at a loss about choosing the right direction. Many studies have been conducted that contributed to discovering the changes in marketing in businesses and their interaction methods since the beginning of the crisis. Thus, there were some ideas that may help to restore normal business operations.

During the research, no personal accounts of the users who didn’t consent to data processing were used. Representatives of various industries interested in resuming activities on the Internet were involved. Most users are interested in studying statistics; therefore, the study involved a large customer base.

COVID-19 marketing trends: navigating what’s next

It was early in March that pandemic began spreading across Europe and Americas. At that time, the value of global stock market indices dropped, being afraid of the beginning of a global recession. However, Internet users became more active in subscribing to newsletters and receiving crisis advert from the most interesting companies. Number of unsubscribed users reduced, which became obvious after comparing last year’s figures.

The average user activity significantly increased, with more clicks being recorded late in March and early in April than over the whole 2019. Internet activity in all business fields skyrocketed. Businesses didn’t want to lose customers, so small businesses decided to focus on Internet orders. This applies to:

  • restaurants and cafes;
  • companies dealing in non-food products distribution;
  • fitness centers that have switched to online classes, and so on.

The e-commerce segment participants barely noticed the difference. They continued to operate in a routine mode. But those companies that used to interact mostly with real customers before were forced to switch to online mode, which caused significant surg in indicators. The audience, which used to visit offline stores and communicate with consultants in person, preferred to stay at home and use email for communication.

All the non-profit enterprises and public catering organizations started working with emails more active. This indicates that small businesses advertising is thriving, with the companies having successfully switched to delivery. During this period, it is especially important to stay in touch with regular customers and send them notifications about availability of the company’s services. There are also options to support business without leaving your home.

The impact of COVID-19 on small business outcomes

Organizations that interacted with a small audience (up to 2,000 users) increased their operations. Large companies are don’t fall behind either, but their growing indicators are not so obvious. This proves that customers don’t give up communication with small businesses, even under the limited opportunities.

Since the total quarantine was imposed, companies started to send newsletters more rarely. Under the companies’ routine operation mode, advertising notifications were sent twice or even three times a month, but after the global situation worsened, news appears once in three weeks.

Despite the fact that local businesses marketing cut down its activities, users visited the Internet pages of the companies they used to interact with more often. After the quarantine was imposed, the number of newsletters decreased, but there were more clicks proving that buyers were still studying the companies’ websites and placing orders. The difference is especially noticeable for the companies that didn’t refuse mailing out and sent  email newsletters at least once a week.

This makes it clear that customers don’t want to waste a chance to study the news of companies they are used to working with. There is no point in reducing the mailing out frequency, since this can further worsen the situation for small businesses.

You should know that there are a lot of ways to improve yoursite besides the tips listed above. Which strategy ultimately proves the most effective for you depends on your specific competitive landscape: timeframe, skill level, team productivity etc.

Marketing During Coronavirus: recommendations

When you launch an email campaign,  you want to to track all the email messages. You are looking for answers to the following questions:

  • Who got your emails? The emails open tracker software provide the detailed answer to this question. You are able to see the rate which reflects the percentage of opened messages.
  • Who, when and where opened and explored your email? Open tracker gives you the date and time when the email was opened. Also, it gives the data about the devices that were used for reading the emails
  • What link was followed? Emails tracker shows the click-through rate: the ratio between the clicks and all the sent links.
  • What effectiveness is in comparison with the previous email campaign? Email Tracker lets you compare and analyze the results of different messages.

Email is here to help your small businesses as the most efficient tool for interacting with customers. Companies that send newsletters to subscribers at least once a week don’t lose profit. To boost interest in your organization, you should communicate with users as much as possible, offering them:

  • new conditions for placing orders;
  • bargains;
  • information about your company operations;
  • information about expanding product range and much more.

When using a business marketing idea, you should think about what the most important thing for development of a particular company is. Don’t waste a single opportunity to communicate with potential clients, since they should stay confident in the company during the hard economic situation.

All you need to do to study how efficient the selected advertising campaign is, is to choose a suitable service that will monitor email newsletters. This will allow you to determine the users who open your messages and click on the links, and who ignore them. This method will help to improve the informational content of emails to attract the target audience.

It is obvious that these services are easy to use. You don’t need to spend a lot of time configuring them and selecting a list of contacts. Upon another mailing out, the software will perform all the necessary actions on its own and help you to calculate the required indicators. Choose the suggested software like and monitor your advertising campaigns efficiency to promote your business.