
How to Fade Out Music in Premiere Pro


Fading music in and out is a popular technique used by editors to create a smooth transition between scenes or to end a video with style. Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful video editing software that offers various tools to help you achieve this effect.

Preparing Your Audio Track for Fading


Before you start working on fading your music, it’s essential to prepare your audio track. Import your music file into Premiere Pro by going to File > Import or using the Media Browser. Once the file is imported, drag and drop it onto the timeline. Make sure it’s on a separate audio track from any other audio elements, like dialogue or sound effects. This will give you the flexibility to apply fade effects without affecting other audio components.

Music is a crucial part of every video or movie. Without music, or even the audio track itself, the video becomes less intriguing and more predictable.

But even if you use music tracks in your videos, simply leaving them with hard cuts between each other won’t work. Instead, it’s better to create a smooth transition or, even better ‒ a fade out in the acceptable moment.

There are two ways to do it ‒ in this article, we’ll review both of them.

Crossfade audio transition


The easiest approach is to first pick the audio clip and then select the Sequence tab, and then choose the Apply Audio Transition option. You can also use the shortcut combination of Shift+Command+D or Shift+Ctrl+D), if you run Adobe Premiere Pro on Windows. This will give the beginning and end of the clip the Constant Power Cross Fade feature, providing you with a perfect fade-out. By dragging the transition’s end, you can simply modify its duration and adjust it to your video timeline. You can also easily terminate the transition by using the Del key.

Clip keyframes method

You can also use a keyframe to set the volume of the audio track to produce a fade instead of utilizing a cross-fade effect. The two different types of volume keyframes in Premiere Pro are the track and clip keyframes. The distinction is that Track Keyframes always remain in place, but Clip Keyframes change with the music track if you shift the clip in the sequence. So, just use the Pen Tool to add loudness keyframes after ensuring that the Clip Keyframes feature is enabled.

Here’s how to use the Pen Tool for fading music:

  1. Select the audio track you want to fade in the timeline.
  2. Click on the small triangle next to the track name to reveal the audio properties.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow next to the “Volume” property to display the volume control.
  4. Select the Pen Tool from the toolbar or press the “P” key.
  5. Click on the volume control line where you want the fade to begin, and create a keyframe by clicking on the line again where you want the fade to end.
  6. Drag the second keyframe down to lower the volume to the desired level.

Creating Custom Fade Effects with Audio Effects

For more advanced and customizable fade effects, you can use Premiere Pro’s audio effects to achieve unique results. One such effect is the ‘Lowpass’ filter, which can create a muffled fade-out effect as if the audio is slowly being submerged underwater. Follow these steps to apply a custom audio effect to your music track:

  1. In the Effects panel, search for the audio effect you want to use (e.g., “Lowpass”).
  2. Drag and drop the audio effect onto the audio track in the timeline.
  3. Click on the “Effect Controls” tab or go to “Window” > “Effect Controls” to access the effect parameters.
  4. Keyframe the effect parameters to create your desired fade effect. For example, with the Lowpass filter, you can keyframe the ‘Cutoff Frequency’ to gradually decrease, creating a muffled fade-out.

Using Audio Automation Modes for Advanced Fading

Premiere Pro offers audio automation modes for more advanced fading techniques. Automation modes allow you to record real-time adjustments to the audio track’s volume, pan, and other properties, resulting in a dynamic fade effect. Here’s how to use audio automation modes:

  1. Click on the small triangle next to the audio track name in the timeline to reveal the audio properties.
  2. Click on the “Show Keyframes” button (a small circle) next to the track name, and select an automation mode from the dropdown menu, such as “Track Keyframes” > “Volume.”
  3. Make sure the audio track is selected and play the sequence while adjusting the volume control in real-time. Premiere Pro will record your adjustments as keyframes, creating a custom fade effect.

Exporting Your Project with Faded Music

After you’ve successfully applied and adjusted your fade effect, you’ll need to export your project to include the new audio transitions. Go to “File” > “Export” > “Media” or press Ctrl+M (Cmd+M on Mac) to open the Export Settings dialog box. Choose your desired format, codec, and other export settings, then click “Export” to create your final video with the faded music.

Tips and Tricks for Smooth Audio Fades in Premiere Pro

To achieve the best results when fading music in Premiere Pro, consider these tips and tricks:

Use high-quality audio files for better sound quality and more precise control over fades.

Preview your fades with headphones to ensure they sound smooth and natural.

Experiment with different fade shapes and styles to find the perfect fit for your project.

Consider applying complementary audio effects to enhance your fade effect and create a unique sound.

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Project with Faded Music

Fading music in Premiere Pro is a powerful technique that can enhance your video project by creating smooth transitions, emphasizing emotions, or providing a professional finishing touch. With various methods and tools available, you can customize your fade effect to suit your project’s unique style and requirements. By following this guide and using the tips provided, you’ll be able to create polished and engaging videos that leave a lasting impression on your audience.