Critical Things Parents Should Look For In A Baby’s Outfit


Every parent likes to shop for their baby’s outfit; after all, they are so adorable. But every outfit isn’t the same; new parents need to check to ensure a happy and healthy baby. To help you navigate this path, here are some tips you need to follow.

1. Good fabric

According to everyone wants to dress their baby in the cutest way possible. Some people go for costumes, some like toned-down clothing, but overall, the aim is to find something comfortable for their babies for any season whether it’s for winter or summer. The garment’s fabric plays a vital role in making it comfortable for the baby. If the material is good, perhaps made with cotton, the baby stays happy at any time during the day; otherwise, it’s roulette. Wrong fabrics are not only uncomfortable, but they might also cause skin irritation and rashes.

To take care of your child’s sensitive skin, you need to buy breathable and airy fabrics that are soft on their skin. The most common example of good material for babies is cotton, but it isn’t the only option you have. These days you can easily find fabrics that are gentle on a baby’s skin on top of being organic, for example, cotton (organic), azlon (from soy), and rayon (from bamboo). These fabrics are natural and silky smooth on the baby’s skin.

Tip: Avoid garments made up of materials like nylon and polyester. They are notorious as a cause of skin sensitivity and discomfort as they cannot take up moisture and regulate your baby’s body temperature. Nylon can’t help absorb moisture on hot summer days and leave sweat sticky skin. This sweating breeds fungus and odour on the skin. This fabric is made from petrochemical that consists of synthetic dyes and bleaching agents. So better avoid wearing babies made from nylon. Polyester is widely used among toddlers and young kids due to its easy to produce and cheap as well. This contains harmful chemicals as well.

2. Safety


A baby’s safety should be the first concern of every parent, but sometimes it can be easily overlooked over the aesthetics of a baby’s outfits. Baby outfits have to meet specific safety regulations and guidelines so you can be sure that your baby is safe from potential day-to-day hazards.

Apart from the state governed safety measures, there are some things you can do on your own while buying a baby’s clothes. While purchasing baby’s lounge outfits or sleepwear, make sure you choose something that is flame-resistant. These clothes are chemically treated or made from strong fabrics to keep your child safe. If you want to stay away from chemicals, you can also go for snug-fitting garments as they provide minimal oxygen supply to any fire to spread.

Additionally, do not buy baby clothes with embellishments. These buttons, rhinestones, stars, and flowers look cute, but they are a recipe for a choking hazard. If you are inclined to buy something like that, ensure everything is secured in its place. Also, avoid clothes with drawstrings and waistbands for the same reason.

Tip: Follow the instructions on the flame-resistant fabrics to keep the chemical from washing away. If you wash them incorrectly, they lose their effectiveness.

3. Know your sizes

New parents need to be very careful while buying baby’s clothes as age may not be the parameter to measure them correctly. When you are shopping for a baby’s clothes, make sure you go by your baby’s measurements, not their age. Your baby can be bigger or smaller for their age, so you need to navigate your way through with the baby’s measurements.

Here are two tables to help you out.

Baby Clothes Size Chart
Size Based On Age Baby’s Height Baby’s Weight
Premature Newborn Less than 17 inches Less than 2.2 kg/ 2 pounds
Full Term Newborn Less than 20 inches 2.2 to 3.6 kg/6 to 7 pounds
Newborn to 3 months 20 to 23.5 inches 3.6 to 5.7 kg/9 to 12 pounds
3 months to 6 months 24 to 25.5 inches 5 to 7.5 kg/up to 17 pounds
6 months to 9 months 26 to 27.5 inches 7.7 to 9.3 kg/ 21 pounds
9 months to 1 year 28 to 30.5 inches 9 to 10.6 kg/20 to 30 pounds


Toddler Clothes Size Chart
Size Based On Age Height Weight
Around 1 year 28 to 29.5 inches 8.8 to 9.9 kg
1 year to 1.5 years 30 to 31.5 inches 10.2 to 11.8 kg
1.5 years to 2 years 32 to 33.5 inches 12 to 13.6 kg
2 years to 3 years 34 to 37 inches 13.8 to 15.4 kg
More than 3 years 38 inches and more 15.6 kg and above

4. Easy accessibility

While taking off an outfit and putting it on, you need to make sure you aren’t just pushing the baby’s head through it. If it is a struggle, you need to buy loose clothes for the head and the rest of the body. To reduce the friction and avoid your child getting fuzzy, don’t just look at the baby’s dress size; look at how fitting it is from limbs and head.

5. Don’t buy extra

Yes, don’t buy extra newborn baby clothes. Babies grow at an astonishingly fast rate during the first few weeks of their life. So, if you’re buying surplus clothes for that small duration of time, your baby may not even get a chance to wear them. If you get many newborn clothes during the baby shower, those will do for a while.

Tip: Keep the tags and bills of the newborn baby clothes until your baby tries them. If they fit, it’s good for you, but if they don’t, you can exchange them for a bigger size.


1. Purchase good fabrics

  1. Take care of safety
  2. Buy the right size of clothing
  3. Ease of wearing clothes
  4. Don’t buy extra clothes