Can You Use Nootropics For Depression And Anxiety

If you take a look around you, you’ll see that most of us live a fast-paced life. After all, we do commute to work every day, we have more and more tasks to perform at the office, and most of us do work longer hours than usual. Besides this, we all have immediate access to the Internet by using our smartphones, which can only increase our workload.

When you combine all of the aforementioned things together, you’ll have the perfect ground for tension accumulation, which can lead to other conditions including anxiety and depression. This is why you may be wondering – could I consume nootropics for dealing with these conditions? Fortunately, this is exactly what we’ll discuss today, so let’s first take a look at what these products are:

Nootropics: Explained

At the moment, you might be feeling the waves of depression coming along or you might be feeling completely stressed out and anxious. If so, you must know that you’re not alone. However, if you don’t like the idea of taking some pharmaceuticals that were synthetically manufactured, you could always turn to alternative medicine, including nootropics.

Nootropics or ‘memory supplements’ are products that could help your brain function better. Now, they won’t only help you with your retention and memory, but they can also assist you in dealing with other things, including your motivation and focus on the tasks ahead. If you want to read more about this alternative medicine option, check out

It’s pretty obvious that consuming these products can help our minds function better, however, do they really help people who are dealing with anxiety, stress, and depression? To put it simply, they could help with these conditions, however, they won’t treat them, instead, they’ll simply influence other things that will help you feel alleviated and better.

So, What Do They Help With And How Can it Help My Depression?

As we mentioned, memory supplements won’t help you with treating depression, nor anxiety, but since they’ll influence other things, they could help you with improving your mood and performance, which can result in you feeling better and less blue. The things these products could help you with include:

  1. Better Mental Performance – though you may not realize this, your brain is always producing new cells, restoring itself, and changing in response to your learning new things. When you consume them, you’ll be able to help your brain regenerate, mostly because they’ll serve as growth promoters.


  1. Improved Focus And Motivation – when it comes to consuming these supplements, people often choose them in order to support their performance, no matter if it’s for school or work. When you consume it, you’ll be able to focus better while completing the tasks ahead of you.


  1. Improved Mood – a lot of people opt for consuming these products because it can positively affect their mood, which means that it could alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, depression, tension, and stress. Hence, although it won’t treat these conditions, it’ll help you with alleviating the symptoms.


  1. Better Retention And Memory – if you look at the history of these products, you’ll see that they have been used for a really long time for improving retention and memory. This means that you could use them for improving your short- and long-term memory and retention. Additionally, it’ll help you with expressing your memories clearly and without any hindrances.


  1. Easier Learning Process – more and more individuals are looking for methods for improving their performance, and one of the things they often choose to use is nootropics. Since they’ll impact your energy and improve your attention and concentration, the learning process will be easier for you.

What Type Should I Opt For?

There are really two categories that you could opt from, however, before you can purchase the product, you must ensure that you speak to your doctor. By doing so, they’ll tell you whether or not you can take them, but more importantly, they’ll know which type you’ll be required to take. The types you could choose from include:

  1. Prescription

Your physician might prescribe you a memory supplement in order to aid with your psychological state. Some of the most commonly prescribed products include modafinil, Adderall, Ritalin, and Axura. Though these can be effective when treating specific medical conditions, you should never take them without a prescription from your doctor.

  1. Natural

On the other hand, there are natural products that you could choose to buy, all of which will help you with your brain function. For starters, there is the all-time favorite, caffeine. This means that drinking coffee or beverages that contain caffeine could help you with improving your mental state.

L-theanine is basically an amino acid that can be found in both green and black tea, but you could also take products that contain this amino acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most studied and used brain supplements and they could be found in fish oil and meat. Besides helping you with depression and anxiety, it’s one of the most essential compounds for our brain health, which is why you must ensure that you include it in your diet. Remember, there are various options on the market, which is why you must ensure that you choose one that is suitable for your needs.

Why Do I Need to Speak With My Doctor?

Before we conclude this article, it’s important that you know why you might need to speak with your doctor before taking these supplements. No matter if you want to consume synthetic or natural products, you should definitely speak with your physician before consuming them if you’re already on some medication.

Some can easily cause the medicine you’re taking to have no effects on your body, which means that they won’t work for you – and this can be life-threatening if you’re, for example, taking medicine for high blood pressure. So, before you take any of these brain supplements, talk with your physician.


Although nootropics won’t help you with treating depression, anxiety, and stress, they could easily influence your overall mood, learning abilities, as well as brain performance, which means that they might help you with alleviating the daunting symptoms you might be feeling.

So, now that you’re aware of what nootropics could help and assist you with, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, if you determined that you might want to try these brain supplements, open up your browser, and start searching for a product that might help you with your condition and performance.

Peter is a freelance writer with more than eight years of experience covering topics in politics. He was one of the guys that were here when the started.