mental health Archives - Foreign Policy General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states Fri, 15 Sep 2023 07:29:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mental health Archives - Foreign Policy 32 32 Wellness in College: Strategies for Mental and Physical Health Fri, 15 Sep 2023 07:29:11 +0000 Going to college is a huge change in anyone’s life. You start living on your own for the first time, and you may think the world is your oyster. But college years can also be extremely stress-inducing. The sheer number of assignments, classes, tests, and exams alone can overwhelm the most resilient of people. Combine that with a part-time job, which many students need to hold on to pay the bills, and you’re on a track to exhaustion and burnout. If you don’t know how to preserve your sanity and your physical health and enjoy your college years, you may

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Becoming a Mental Health Coach: How to Get Started Mon, 26 Jun 2023 11:29:11 +0000 The field of coaching has been popular for quite a while. In the last several years, the mental health landscape has shifted towards prescribing medications rather than focusing on several other effective methods. Deep-digging transformative work focusing on emotional transformation can be highly beneficial for those working with a mental health coach. As people move more towards holistic health approaches and away from unnecessary medications, the field of mental health coaching is exploding. Becoming a mental health coach is an obvious career choice for those personable people who love helping others. If this sounds like you and you’re wondering where

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How to Keep an Older Relative at Home as Long as Possible Sat, 01 Apr 2023 00:01:00 +0000 If you have an older relative in your life, eventually you’ll need to start thinking about how you’re going to care for them as their physical and mental health decline. There are many options available, including nursing homes and assisted living facilities. But for many people, the best option is to remain home for as long as possible. What steps can you take to make sure this aging relative gets to remain in their preferred environment for the longest possible time? Why Remain at Home? While remaining at home isn’t always the best option, there are some measurable advantages. Mental

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Starting Over: How Former Inmates Can Reintegrate Into Society Fri, 30 Sep 2022 12:36:25 +0000 Life After Prison When most people think of prison, they imagine a dark and dreary place where people are stuck for the rest of their lives. Some offenders would find solace in reading prayers from the Bible Keeper, trusting in God completely while hoping for that one day when they would finally be free. However, for those who were formerly incarcerated, life after prison can be quite different because it can be a time to reassess and rebuild their lives. People today have a plethora of avenues to consider after being released from jail. Let’s figure that out and how

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College Scholarships To Apply For in 2023 Mon, 04 Jul 2022 09:24:09 +0000 In the academic year of 2020-2021, universities in the United States awarded scholarships with a total value of almost $140 billion. A huge spike compared to $55 billion ten years ago. This means a lot of money. This also means a lot of scholarship opportunities in almost each major, degree and state. Even foreigners can get a scholarship if they follow the rules. More choice means more challenges. Students often find it challenging to identify programs that can meet their needs and interests best. If you are one of them, no need to worry. We have carried out a nuanced

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Why Mindfulness is Useful in Health Care? Mon, 23 May 2022 09:28:42 +0000 Lots of information, lots of responsibilities, a hectic lifestyle and constant rushing, high expectations, numerous challenges at work and at home, and therefore many potential stressors, are factors that largely characterize our daily lives. We live in a time rapid and turbulent change, which requires an incredible level of flexibility from our rapid adaptations to emerging conditions. Developing social and emotional skills as well as problem-solving skills are still not given enough attention, which to some extent leaves them to themselves, and makes our adjustment even more difficult. Therefore, it is not surprising that an increasing number of people are

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How Embracing your Darkest Moments Can Lead to Your Eventual Success Wed, 22 Dec 2021 11:04:36 +0000 “Hurtful, painful memories. Only those with such memories in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, and emotionally flexible. And only they can attain happiness.” This is a quote from the 2020 South Korean TV mini-series titled ‘It’s Okay Not to Be Okay’, which was recently nominated for an Emmy Award under the ‘TV Movie / Mini-Series’ category. And in the context of the aforementioned quote, there seems to be an emphasis on embracing one’s hurts rather than trying to live a life without any pain at all. It’s implied here that only the people who experience pain and loss

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How to File for Divorce in Texas: Five Essential Steps Tue, 27 Jul 2021 10:59:34 +0000 Filing for the divorce is just the beginning. The important thing is finalizing and completing the divorce while it’s not exactly a really complicated process, it’s always best to prepare so that you can do everything properly — legally, financially, and mentally. Going through a divorce is not easy. It affects every aspect of a person’s life. The transition from the life you once knew to a new beginning may be hard to adjust to. In this article you’ll learn about the 5 steps that will help you throughout the whole process of filing a divorce in Texas. Step 1:

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The Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Having a Dog? Tue, 15 Jun 2021 11:59:14 +0000 It is a known fact that dogs are indeed man’s best friend. They have all the qualities that describe a good companion: loyal, playful, curious, fearless, sociable, protective and bold. Not to mention their amazing hearts! No wonder humans have chosen dogs as their lifelong companions. Their impact in our lives is huge, and if you have a dog yourself, you would agree. There are many reasons as to why dogs are the best pets one can have. Not only do they have all the qualities of a great companion, they also make you feel less alone. They give the

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When Should I Seek Help for My Mental Health? Fri, 04 Jun 2021 20:35:11 +0000 Unfortunately, many people in the United States think they’ll be judged if they seek out services to support them and their mental health. Because of this, many people put off seeing a therapist or going to a mental health treatment center. Instead, they try to work through their issues on their own at home, or may ask a family member or friend to provide support. This is less than ideal for several reasons. Firstly, when you stay at home and bottle up your issues, you’re likely isolating yourself even more from your loved ones. This isolation leads to you having

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