WooCommerce Plugins: How Many are Too Many?

If you’re like most small businesses, you’re probably using a lot of WordPress plugins. In fact, according to W3Techs, WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress theme and plugin platform in the world. That’s definitely good news for small businesses, as it means there are plenty of plugins available to help you with everything from marketing to shipping. However, too many add-ons can be a problem. Not only do they take up space on your server, but they can also cause your website to slow down or even crash.

Can you have too many plugins?

Generally speaking, you don’t want to have more than 12-15 plugins installed in your WooCommerce installation. However, there is no one right answer to this question – it really depends on what you’re using WooCommerce for and how much space you have on your server. If you’re just starting out with WooCommerce plugins, it’s probably a good idea to start with only 3-5. As you get more familiar with the platform and start incorporating additional features and functionality, you might want to add more. Ultimately, the number of add-ons you install will be based on your own specific needs and preferences.

While there is no set number that everyone should stick to when it comes to plugin installations, installing too many can definitely have negative consequences. Overloading your server with extra files can slow down performance and create problems when trying to manage your website’s traffic. Additionally, it can also lead to inconsistency among their functions and could conflict with each other. If you find that you’re struggling to keep up with all of the updates for your plugins or if they’re starting to cause issues on your site, it might be a good idea to cull the herd a bit and remove some of the older or less popular ones.

How to know if you need an add-on?

Although WooCommerce is extremely versatile, it can also be overwhelming for first-time users. Here are some tips to help you decide if a plugin is right for your store:

  1. Is the Plugin Functionally Necessary?

Before adding any plugin for WooCommerce, it’s important to ask yourself if is it necessary. Many add-ons offer features that aren’t necessary for most stores. Before downloading, search through the description to see if there are any specific functions that the plugin can provide for your store.

  1. Do I Have the Proper Code?

Each plugin requires different code depending on its function, so it’s important to check before making any changes. Some require little setup while others may require more involved steps. It’s best to consult with the plugin’s creator for more information on how to set up their add-on correctly in your store. For example, if you need a booster for your online store, make sure to follow the instructions while incorporating it into your site.

  1. Do I have Enough Available Storage Space?

Once you have installed the plugin and verified that it works correctly, you may want to consider adding additional storage space to your site. Adding extra storage can significantly reduce load times and improve site performance overall.

  1. Will I Need to Contact the Plugin’s Creator for Support?

Each plugin has different support options and requirements, so it’s important to check before making any changes. Some add-ons offer support through email, while others require that you contact the plugin’s creator for assistance. Always consult the support page for more information on how to get help if needed.

  1. Do I Have the Plugin Installed Correctly?

One common mistake made when installing plugins is installing them in the wrong location. Make sure you are installing it in the correct WordPress folder and onto the correct WordPress site. Incorrect installation can cause problems and may even lead to site crashes. If you install a booster for your website, you can always contact the site

What is the average number of plugins on a WordPress site?

According to WP Engine, the average number of add-ons on a WordPress site is 20-30. While this may seem like a lot, it’s important to remember that not all of them are created equal.

If you’re unsure whether or not you need one, try disabling some of them to see how your site functions without them. Also, be aware of the potential consequences of installing too many add-ons– they can impact your website’s performance, security, and SEO. If you’re at all concerned about overload, it’s best to take steps to address the issue before it becomes an issue.

How to remove a WooCommerce plugin

When removing a WooCommerce plugin, always follow these guidelines:

-Delete it from the WordPress dashboard and add it to the “WooCommerce plugins” section in your admin area.

-Deactivate it from within WooCommerce.

-Remove any files associated with the plugin from your server’s filesystem.

-If you have modifications you want to make, create a new version of it and upload it to your website.

Is WooCommerce free?

Yes, WooCommerce is free to install, with no setup fees or monthly fees. However, there are pay-as-you-go fees starting from just 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for U.S.-issued cards. So, if you need to make a lot of transactions quickly, then paying for WooCommerce Payments might be the better option for you. However, if you only need to make a few small transactions each month, then using WooCommerce’s built-in payment capabilities should be sufficient.


It’s no secret that WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms out there. And with good reason – it’s easy to use and has a ton of features. However, too many WooCommerce plugins can cause problems for your site. When too many plugins are installed, it can be difficult to find and activate them all, which can create problems with functionality and security. If you’re not sure whether or not you need a certain plugin, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid installing it until you have a better understanding of what it does and how it will impact your website.