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Les Brown Net Worth 2021, Famous Motivational Speaker


„Life has no limitations, expect the one you make“, is one of the lines famous motivational speaker, Leslie Calvin ‘Les’ Brown, preached. In 1986 his motivational speaker career has started and after just four years of doing it, he became one of the highest paid motivational speakers in the world. His intention is to serve humankind and his preaching made him one in a millions. He has an audience all across the globe.

He has confirmed his common phrase „It is possible“ with him being known as a radio DJ, an author, former television host and a politician. He combines many capabilities with his eloquence, and uses that to motivate his numerous audience to follow their dreams. We wanted to know how much can one motivational speaker earn, and especially the one with such popularity among the people from every corner of the world. Let us walk you through the life of Les Brown and let’s find out what is his net worth.

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Early Life

On 17th February, 1645, in disowned building in Miami, Florida, Leslie Calvin Brown brought into the world twins, Les Brown and his brother Wesley. After three weeks of their birth, they were given up for adoption, and another three weeks after, the twins were adopted by a 38-year-old single women, Mamie Brown. In grade school, Les was declared as „educable mentally retarded“, which made him lose his self-esteem and confidence. Yet, all that was retrieved thanks to his mother and an assistant teacher. His mother made him fight for himself and because of her, he decided to give that kind of a push to other people, to make them fight for themselves and their dreams.
In 1995, Les married Gladys Knight, who is also known as „Emperor of Soul“, but in 1997, after just two years of marriage, they got divorced. Les has nine children, fifteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren.


Les Brown was first employed as a sanitation worker. Next job he took was as a Radio Jockey. On that job he spread political awareness, and got an encouragement from Mike William, after which he decided to try himself in politics. Running for a seat in the Ohio State Legislature of the 29th House District was his next move. He was very dedicated and wanted to serve the people during his political career, which made him hold his seat for three terms.

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He left the seat, so he could help his adoptive mother, because she was in poor health. Meanwhile, he was paving a way for his career as a motivational speaker with forming Les Brown Enterprise, and writing a book called „Live Your Dreams“. He also tried to host a „The Les Brown Show“ in 1993, but it wasn’t a success. And after that fail, he started giving his motivational speeches, even travelling to Denmark, Dubai, Canada and so on.

He has had successful empire of Les Brown Enterprise by 1998. He used television, motivational programmers, shows and radio to reach out to any soul in need of his motivational speeches. His second book „It’s Not Over Until You Win: How to Become the Person You Always Wanted To Be No Matter What the Obstacles“ was praised by critics. He also sold millions copies of his audio series called „Choosing Your Dreams“, and it is considered his best audio series.
In 1989 at National Speakers Association, he won his first award, and after that there were many more, such as Council Peer Awards of Excellence, Golden Gravel Awards, Regional Emmy Awards and so on. In 1991 he was ranked amongst the Top Five Outstanding Speakers.

Net Worth

Les Brown net worth is estimated up to $12 millions. He led many people follow their dreams and become happy and will continue to lead.