
Tips for Decorating Your Home to Improve Wellness


Our mental wellness is one of the most important things we have to take care of. Not only does our sense of well-being help us to live happy and fruitful lives, but can also help us maintain our physical health. If you’re striving to live in a way that promotes wellness, you may want to decorate your home to reflect this.

Your home is likely your sanctuary, or you may have the motivation to make it so. Having a safe space to come home to at the end of the day is a fundamental step to living a healthier life. So, whether you’re looking to update your home, you’ve moved into a new home and are looking for ways to begin decorating, or simply want to make some small changes, we’ve come up with some of the best options for improving your well-being through home decor.

Colour Palettes


Colour has an incredibly powerful mental impact. This is something that can be different for each person. Some people may find that clean, white spaces that lack ostentatious colourings help them find a feeling of calm, whereas others may find that the benefit of bright and bold colours stimulates positive feelings. Although this will be personal to your preference, here are some common observations found for the psychology of different colours you may want to use in the home.

  • White: White is typically associated with the absence of colour. But we have seen that it is very popular on walls, ceilings and floors in the home. White can trigger the brain into feelings of openness, honesty and peace. White light is frequently used in meditations to promote mental healing. Also, white spaces can feel very open and provide a feeling of freedom.
  • Black: Black is not only dark in its hue but also can be associated with dark things. While many may shy away from this shade as it associates with mourning and can feel cold, others may find black to be a comforting colour. Its darkness smoothes over imperfections and can remind the brain of times of peace, such as when you have your eyes closed.
  • Green: Green is the colour most associated with natural life and nature. This representation of nature and freshness can be particularly good for those that crave more time outdoors, a common condition in our post-pandemic society. Even if you live in the middle of an urban area, the use of green can provide feelings of contentment that industrial life draws away.
  • Blue: Blue is a calming colour. Reminiscent of open lakes, the never-ending summer sky, oceans and seas. The use of blue in the home can add feelings of relief and freedom.
  • Pink: Pink is a romantic and human colour. Whether it reminds the user of a pigmented blush or favourite lipstick, it carries a level of excitement and passion, making it an inspiring addition to your home.
  • Purple: Purple is a mysterious and spiritual colour that can add feelings of luxury to your home. Many brands use purples to signify decadence and it can induce those same feelings in your home.
  • Red: Red can have negative connotations of danger, but is also very commonly associated with love. If you’re looking to make your home a cosy spot for romance, then this can be a great choice.
  • Orange: Orange colours are typically associated with falling leaves, pumpkins and all things autumnal. This time of year is often when people begin to spend more time at home and cosy up, making it a perfect colour to make the home feel homely.
  • Yellow: Yellow is a joyous colour, the runny yolk of an egg, the smiling sun. Yellow is warming and reminds us of the small pleasures in life.



When renovating your home to improve wellness, you’ll want to consider the things that you find are important to your well-being. You can purpose-build rooms to be well-being spaces. If you find, for example, that skincare is something that makes you feel better, then you might want to add a built-in vanity to your bathroom.

Certain interior design styles have been known to improve well-being. For example, Minimalism is a popular design that has been shown to boost mood through its clutter-free, sleek aesthetic.

Using sturdy building materials and timeless designs can help to keep your home feeling fresh and relaxing for years to come. Wood flooring, over carpets, for example, can help maintain cleanliness throughout the house. Wood flooring also introduces natural materials into the home which can help to relieve you of any city-life struggles.


The job of an artist is to be evocative, and many use their talents to create feelings of peace, calm and happiness. Art is incredibly subjective, so you may need to haunt some local galleries or art stalls until you find something that brings you a feeling of peace.

If you’re new to art, or not sure what might make you feel good, try looking for landscapes of peaceful places. Having art can remind you of all the beauty there is in the world, which can be important in times of darkness.

If art isn’t necessarily your thing, you could hang photos that remind you of happy memories, or homages to things you like – movie posters, for example.



Keeping your home clean and clutter-free has benefits both to your mind and your body. Removing dust and dirt can prevent the spreading of germs, and the feeling of walking into a clean room has a positive impact on the brain.

Doing housework is also another way to improve wellness as completing tasks increases dopamine in the brain. Other endorphins are also released while you get up and active, so keeping a clean house has a trifecta of positive wellness effects.


A house that promotes wellness should focus on the sleeping quarters. A good night’s sleep is a brilliant way to boost mood and physical well-being. You can improve your sleep by making certain changes to your sleeping environment.

We recommend not having or using screens in the bedroom, only using your bed for sleeping and sex, investing in some black-out blinds or curtains and insulating as much noise as possible, or using a white noise machine.