People Archives - Foreign Policy General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states Sat, 01 Apr 2023 22:35:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 People Archives - Foreign Policy 32 32 A Guide to Transgender Name Changes Sat, 01 Apr 2023 22:35:51 +0000 For transgender individuals, changing one’s name can be a vital part of the transition process. A name is an essential aspect of one’s identity, and using a name that aligns with one’s gender identity can be empowering and validating. However, the process of changing one’s name can be daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with the legal and social aspects of the process. In this article, we’ll explore the steps involved in changing your name as a transgender individual and some of the challenges you may face. Step 1: Choose a name that suits you Choosing a name can be

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5 Keys to Deal with Labor Conflicts Thu, 30 Mar 2023 11:37:52 +0000 As a human resources manager, I have seen firsthand the negative impact that labor conflicts can have on an organization. From decreased productivity to high employee turnover rates, unresolved conflicts can cause a lot of damage. But, with the right approach, these conflicts can be resolved in a way that benefits everyone involved. In this article, I will share five keys to effectively deal with labor conflicts. Understanding the Causes of Labor Conflicts Before we can effectively deal with labor conflicts, it’s important to understand what causes them in the first place. The most common causes of labor conflicts include

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Charles Milander’s 4 Tips & Secrets To Business Success Fri, 22 Apr 2022 07:10:49 +0000 Today we live in a time of instant success. Still, don’t let something like that fool you, even if you’ve succeeded overnight. Being truly successful in business means knowing how to stay on top. However, some people will be happy to share their stories of success – revealing the secrets of their business success and giving you some very constructive advice. One among such people is Charles Milander. The Formula For Success In Business Is In YOU There is no magic formula for success. No one can guarantee that your idea will change the world, no matter how revolutionary it

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Introducing A Vegan Alternative To Leather By Asif Ali Gohar Fri, 24 Dec 2021 14:53:10 +0000 Veganism is not just a movement anymore – it is a way of life. Many people around the world are turning their lives over in pursuit of a fairer existence by excluding food and products in any relation to animals. Vegans don’t eat meat or animal-related products like dairy, eggs or honey, but what they also don’t indulge in are animal-tested and animal-sourced products, which includes fur and leather. Speaking of leather, faux leather has been a thing for decades now, but most of the time, it wasn’t because someone was opposed to skinning an animal to make a purse

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Why Human Psychology Should Be the Driving Force Behind All Marketing Wed, 15 Dec 2021 12:44:07 +0000 Marketing is a central part of any brand. Every entrepreneur has a vision, a product, or a service to sell. And if their product or service is good enough to sell, then great. But a common pitfall many companies face occurs when their product doesn’t succeed in the advertising and promotional phase. Hence, the importance of marketing in selling just about anything. But it’s not enough to just promote something and say, “Hey, here’s my product. Buy this!” No; effective advertising should actually reach a target audience. It should appeal to them and persuade them to purchase a brand’s products

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How Surviving the Human Trafficking Ring Gave this Spiritual Entrepreneur Her Fire Mon, 08 Nov 2021 10:11:46 +0000 “When life throws you lemons, make a refreshing lemonade drink out of it.” There’s usually that life-changing event that sets your life in a different direction entirely. Whenever this happens, it’s either you drown in the situation, or you reach out for a life jacket and swim to the shore. Swimming to the shore is not usually an easy feat. And no, we can’t always blame those who drown in the situation. It requires a lot of optimism, strength, courage, determination, and the ability to see past what is happening currently. Truth be told, not everyone has these characteristics in

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Why An Online Community Is So Important: Junior Anthony Mon, 18 Oct 2021 13:27:31 +0000 Digital entrepreneur Junior Anthony built his empire by creating a robust online community that drives business while supporting his clients. Like any good conversation, listening and participating can gain insights and discover opportunities while engaging in global conversations. Junior Anthony was quick to recognize the value of developing an online community, which he calls his LiveSotori family, a convergence of hundreds of success stories that he helped to create. It is this online family that gives him the spark to get out of bed every single day. “What motivates me is knowing that every morning I am helping my family

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Lawrence Ellyard’s Advice on Turning Your Vision into Reality Thu, 14 Oct 2021 13:12:13 +0000 “Entrepreneurs are the people who jump out of the plane and then assemble the parachute during the freefall. We don’t know how it’s going to work, but we’re going to have to work this out. We have the state of mind that it is possible. I think that’s incredibly powerful in business,” opined Lawrence Ellyard, CEO and founder of IICT Group. Such may be the opinion of one man, but many other entrepreneurs certainly share the same sentiment. Obviously, starting a business isn’t so easy. It’s one thing to get enough money to fund the starting of a business. It’s

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The Pro’s and Con’s of Switching Career Paths with Ty Frankel Thu, 29 Jul 2021 10:41:41 +0000 It takes a certain level of courage to switch career paths. And truth be told, not everyone has that courage. A career change could be a bit dicey, as it is often a huge switch from what you’ve been known for, to something relatively new. It also comes with all the emotions there may be to it— the doubts, the what-ifs, the possibilities, and in some cases, the regrets. A recent survey conducted for Fast Company discovered that about 52% of U.S. workers considered a job change in 2020, and about 44% had plans in place to take the huge

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Trading up: How Hanson Cheng bartered his way to business success Thu, 20 May 2021 12:49:41 +0000 From an 8th grade hustle, selling packs of cigarettes, to a successful online empire, Hanson Cheng has perfected the ancient art of bartering. Traditionally, an exchange of goods or services without money, Hanson Cheng has modernized the art of bartering. He now trades in knowledge and expertise, turning that know-how into cash. The self-styled, learning guru has a knack for quickly learning all types of skills and useful information. He uses this knowledge to analyze businesses, improve all of their processes and make them more profitable: a modern-day Midas. Early life and dreams Success didn’t come easy for the young

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