20 Ways Technology Has Changed Parenting in the Last 20 Years


The parenting landscape has changed considerably in the last 20 years. The most significant changes have been brought about by technology, which has revolutionized how parents can monitor their children and connect with them no matter where they are.

The following list details some of the ways this technological revolution has impacted parenting:

1) Tracking

Technology provides a new way for parents to keep tabs on their kids’ whereabouts at all times through GPS apps or digital monitoring devices like FitBit. As per AmyandRose.com, just the ability to track the kids makes parents feel safer and in control.

2) Communication

Parents can now communicate with their children using SMS messages, video chat apps, text messages, email, social media posts, and more rather than just talking to them face-to-face or over the phone.

3) Medical care

Connecting with a doctor online or via chat is easier than ever, and parents can now share health information digitally to ensure a child receives the right treatment quickly.

4) Education

The days of schlepping kids to school every morning are long gone – learn anywhere programs have brought learning opportunities inside the home and given children the chance to study from almost anywhere at any time. COVID-19 Pandemic made it mandatory for parents and students around the World to get accustomed to online teaching methodologies.

5) The family table

Thanks to social media, families now never fail to catch up as older relatives pop in and out of their lives by “liking” photos or sharing updates on their latest adventures. Likewise, digital interactions mean that families now rarely eat together around a dinner table like they used to.

6) Eating out and entertainment

Technology has completely transformed the way we travel and gives kids access to a world of information about their favorite places. It has also brought entertainment right into our homes with TV-on-demand services such as Netflix.

7) Money management

Today’s children learn how much things cost, where money is spent and what it means to save when they’re given an allowance that must be earned through chores or other activities. Technology allows parents to track everything their child spends and earn so there’s no risk of overspending.

8) Playing and learning

Technology can be used for fun and educational purposes in equal measure – from games on the gaming console to tablets in the car, kids are part of a digital revolution when it comes to playtime too.

9) Social media and digital footprints

Today’s children will never know what it was like not to share their lives online and see the world through a screen, and technology has given kids more power than ever when it comes to self-expression. Parents must work hard to ensure this doesn’t go too far.

10) Traveling abroad

Technology allows parents to keep in touch with younger relatives who may be traveling abroad on their own for the first time (and gives young people access to information about potential destinations before they arrive).

11) Shopping for clothes


Thanks to apps such as Shopkick, our little ones receive rewards for buying clothes that fit certain criteria and encourage them to dress in age-appropriate clothing. Meanwhile, sites such as Alibaba allow parents to get access to hard-to-find kids’ clothing from around the world.

12) Keeping fit and healthy

The fitness industry has exploded in the last 20 years, and today’s children can get involved with dance classes, yoga sessions, or sports thanks to a range of apps that let you find nearby activities.

13) Making new friends

Plenty of apps help young people meet up with strangers in their area. The key is for parents to remain vigilant about who they’re meeting up with and what they do when they arrive at the agreed location.

14) Outdoors vs indoors

Technology allows parents to bring the fun indoors if it rains outside but also promotes outdoor play when the sun shines so children don’t miss out on vital vitamin D.

15) Where to go next


Technology lets kids research where they want to go and gives them access to information about places before they arrive, but parents must use this knowledge of their own accord rather than just agreeing with everything their child says.

16) The importance of travel

Traveling allows kids to see the world first-hand and ensures that they don’t just stay in one town or city throughout their lives. It also helps children learn how other people live and the importance of respecting different cultures.

17) Where food comes from

Kids used to grow up learning how food is produced, whereas now many are clueless as to where fruit and veggies come from or what it takes for farms to function. If anything, this has opened up a debate about the foods we eat and what we should consume.

18) The future of food

Technology has helped young people think up ways in which the food industry could operate in the future, including growing meat in laboratories and using drones to transport food from farm to fork.

19) Making meals fun again


Apps such as KIDOZ let kids play games while making their pizzas or putting together a sushi platter, which means they don’t get bored at mealtimes and can even learn new skills along the way.

20) Learning through experience

After all, is said and done, technology doesn’t make parenting easier; it merely makes it! Rediscovering how to have fun as a family and learning to communicate with each other is part of the process.


Technology has made parenting easier in some ways and more challenging in others.

Although it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the changes, we believe that if you put your focus on what matters most-your children-technology can be used as a tool for good. If all of this sounds intimidating and you want help enacting these principles, let us know.