Dennis Rodman On Human Rights in North Korea


Dennis Rodman, the former controversial basketball player, was interviewed by TODAY’s Megyn Kelly. He said that his relationship with Kim was strictly social and that he didn’t discuss the human rights with the North Korean leader. Also, he brought a present to the host – a basketball that features the faces of Rodman, Trump, and Kim with the message for peace. What else did Rodman say?

Famous basketball player, who has been arrested 17 times in his life has now become an international diplomat. He is thankful to be in this position, and he has been trying to connect the two countries. Kim has been accused of multiple crimes, but Bulls #91 said that he was always kind to him. Moreover, Dennis claimed that all those accusations could be false because nobody saw those things happening.

He then started talking about the Singapore summit and the fact that Trump and Kim shook hands. He wants to see the USA avoid nuclear war with North Korea at any cost. Rodman also pointed out that he didn’t have any role with setting up the summit.

Interestingly enough, ex-basketball star was in Singapore during the long-anticipated summit. He acknowledged that he would be going back to North Korea soon, but we might also see him in the White House as well. At one point during the talks between Rodman and Kim, the North Korean leader made him a promise. This is what Kim said, in Rodman’s word: “No matter where you are in the world; we love you and we will make sure you are ok.”

The basketball legend has taken a lot of heat over the years for his relationship with Kim. Kelly went on to ask Rodman whether he could do something about human rights in North Korea. He explained he couldn’t do it all and that human rights problem is something that the White House should tackle with and the people who are experts.

At the end of the interview, he gave Megyn Kelly the basketball with faces of him Trump and Kim, proposing peace and love and not war. What do you think of the friendship between Kim and Rodman?

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