Who Will Lead North Korea After Kim Jong Un?

The information that the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, is near death after heart surgery shocked people around the globe. The public from all over the world was surprised to learn that Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state after the surgery. As the information about his death started to spread all over the world, people started to ask themselves who will be the next leader of the country, after his alleged death.

His family is ruling over North Korea for 70 years, ever since his grandfather Kim Il-sung established the country back in 1948. Since Kim Jong Un didn’t decide who will be the next leader of the country, the question of interest is who will be his successor. According to the information published by Bloomberg, his children are too young to be in this position, but there are several candidates that can inherit his position. Let us see who are the possible candidates.

Kim Jo Jong

Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Jo Jong is one of the closest advisors and collaborators of her brother. At the same time, she has a high position in the party. Since she is half a representative of the family and her brother’s close advisor, she is one of the most likely candidates for the position. She became the deputy chief of the party’s politburo. It is a question of, since she is a woman, has the qualification to be the next ruler of the country since all of the previous presidents were males.

Kim Jong Un’s Son

It looks like Kim Jong Un’s son would be the most logical solution. The reason is that all members of the family who inherited the positions were sons of the previous one. This was the case for every ruler of the country. Back in 2009, Kim Jong Un married a singer Ri Sol-Ju and is thought that they have three children together. However, these rumors are not confirmed. Allegedly, they have a son, who was born in 2010. Dennis Rodman, who spent some time in the country, confirmed that he has a daughter. It looks like one of his children will be the successor after they grow up.

Kim Han Sol

Maybe it would like the best chances for becoming a successor of Kim Jong Un go to Kim Han Sol. He is a cousin of the North Korean leader. He is a son of Kim Jong Nam, who is Kim Jong Un’s half-brother. However, his chances are slim. The reason is that his father fled North Korea and went to Macao back in 2017. According to Chinese Police, it looks like Kim Jong Un ordered his cousin to be killed because he allegedly was mixed into some kind of conspiration that would result in the death of Kim Jong Un. As of today, his whereabouts and status are not known to the public.

Kim Jong-Chul

The only living brother of the North Korean leader is Kim Jong-Chul. However, according to several sources, the chances of him being the next leader of the country are pretty small. The reason is that he is not interested in politics and that he prefers to be a musician. The public is aware of this fact because one of the diplomats of the North Korean embassy in London, Tae Jong Ho, stated that the leader’s brother doesn’t have any kind of status in the country. He is just considered to be just a gifted guitarist.